Latest Episodes
Samson: Activating supernatural strength [5/6]
In this message we look at Samson as the type of the church. A lot of churches have lost the true power of God...
Samson: Rise up to your true purpose [4/6]
It's not the ultimate vision for the church to be walking around the millstone, moving every part but never reaching a destination never fulfilling...
Samson: Set free, yet bound up! [3/6]
There are things we need to fight and pray against but there are also things we should run away from. Samson should have ran...
Samson: Where the church should NOT be [2/6]
It is the plan of the enemy to put out the eyes of the church, like the Philistines gouged Samson's eyes. What it leaves...
Samson: Type of the church [1/6]
Evangelist John T.L Maasbach starts this powerful series about the hero Samson in the old Testament as a type of the church in the...
Nehemiah: Fight for what is valuable [4/4]
Fear is a mighty weapon of the enemy, but don't let fear hold you captive! Fear must be subdued by the promises of God....