Latest Episodes
Jonah: Rejoice, we serve a merciful God [4/4]
Here we see that the servant of the Lord is angry at Him for having love and compassion for the city of Nineveh. God...
Jonah: The king arose from his throne [3/4]
The Lord can speak in many ways, in this story He spoke through Jonah. In our days He speaks through His ministers. In this...
Jonah: Who can tell what God may do for us [2/4]
Who knows what change God can bring for you when you call upon Him. Just like the King of Nineveh did and God answered.
Jonah: How to respond to the voice of the Lord [1/4]
The book of Jonah gives hope for our days. God is able to do the same in our days as He did in the...
Joseph: He gave what he had prepared for himself [4/4]
This is the last Joseph we are going to be talking about. He had a call on his heart to sell his land so...
Joseph: He loved when others walked away [3/4]
Joseph, a disciple of Jesus, went to Pilate to ask the body of Jesus Christ. He didn't walk away but gave his own prepared...