Latest Episodes
Joseph: Had to take care of what was not his own [2/4]
Joseph, who became the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus got the news that Mary was pregnant with a child which was not...
Joseph: Sent to preserve life [1/4]
Joseph was sent to preserve life. He needed to walk a difficult road before he could reach his destiny. Even though he couldn't explain...
Rahab had saving faith
Rahab hid the two spies of Israel in her house, while the soldiers of Jericho were looking for them. In her heart, she was...
Rahab put faith into action
Rahab's mind was activated when she heard what God did in the past. This helped her to know what to do in her days....
Rahabs faith dared to stand alone
A special word of encouragement about faith. Let this message lift your faith and that you may grow closer to our heavenly Father.